How to Avoid a Hangover

Tips, Advice & Experience on How To Avoid Hangovers

How to Avoid a Hangover Field Report – Be Loyal to Your Poison

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It’s been a long time since I’ve written a blog, not going to lie to everyone I’ve been busy drinking my life away. Luckily in that time I’ve also experimented with a few other things that have effected my hangover and here I am to share with you how to avoid a hangover so you don’t have to experience multiple scares of dieing  like I have.

Today’s how to avoid a hangover field report blog is probably something everyone has heard before but not really paid too much attention to. When you’re drinking a specific kind of alcohol try your best to stick with that for the whole night. Be loyal to whatever kind of liquor you start with no matter how tempting the other spirits may be. If you start with vodka, keep with vodka, if you start with rum, keep with rum. It’s a pretty straight forward rule but it will save your life the morning after.

The absolute worst thing (I’ve found from personal experience) is mixing a lot of beer with a lot of hard liquors. I’ve noticed that sure mixing hard liquor with hard liquor will be a little bit worse then straight shooting one kind of alcohol but who doesn’t pregame with vodka then do tequila shots at the bar?  It’s definitely not too bad doing that but with beer you have yourself a situation. Another thing you have to watch out for are those “girly” shots that are pretty much 10% alcohol full of sourpuss and grenadine or should I say straight sugar. They may taste girly and delicious then but I can assure you they give one hell of a hangover the next day. Another thing in the same category is coolers, they may taste like kool aid then but I can assure you it’s a trap. Those are definitely some of the most under estimated rules on how to avoid a hangover. Alcohol already does enough when it comes to screwing up your whole bodies sugar levels and pounding back and loading up on sugar while drinking is definitely going to assist in the destruction and make you feel 10x worse in the morning.

Another thing that is closely related is the differences in each poison. Some kinds of alcohol will naturally give more severe hangovers than others due to the amount of “congeners” in them (a minor toxin that contributes to hangovers). Darker alcohols such as dark rum, whiskey and red wine will have more than the lighter alcohols such as vodka, gin and white rum. Honestly it works out perfectly for me as I’m a vodka man myself but if your someone who doesn’t really care that get’s bad hangovers I would try and stick with the lights.

I should be writing regularly again pretty soon, I predict many hangover in my future in October especially with Halloween the best time of the year. I will continue to suffer extreme hangovers in order to give you adequate advice to save yourselves on how to avoid a hangover.

How to Avoid a Hangover Field Report – Ultimate Breakfast – Fruit Smoothie and Eggs

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Seeing as how I’ve spent the last few blog posts telling you what’s going to make you feel worse I felt I should at least give you insight on something that is guaranteed to make you feel better.. After all, the blog is called “how to avoid a hangover” not how to make one worse. Even if you’ve heard it a thousand times before I’m here to tell you again to convince you to try it if you haven’t already – Fruit Smoothies. Of course it’s common knowledge that alcohol will drain you of lots of your vitamins, hell, it seems lots of your life for the next day but one thing that got me through my, what seemed like a never ending binge last year was frozen fruit smoothies. It was a morning ritual when I woke up at 9am feeling like crap the next day on no sleep to throw myself out of bed and in a drunken haze make a fruit smoothie;  usually consisted of banana, strawberry, mixed berries, and an orange. After chugging it down I’d go back to sleep but when I woke up the second time at around noon, life would feel a little bit better.

Not only did the fruits replenish lots of the vitamins I had lost there’s also lots of antioxidants in all the fruits to break down the left over alcohol in the pit of death that is your body. Having this right in the morning also put something (that wasn’t crap) into my stomach and helped to dilute the pool of vodka that had been left behind. Now I’m sure it’s pretty obvious that fruit is going to make a difference but you’d be surprised at how much of a difference it can actually make, it was honestly one of the factors that allowed me to drink on 10 day binges last summer… and last summer is when I probably needed the info on how to avoid a hangover most.

If you want to make the ultimate breakfast a long with the fruit smoothie a few eggs and some toast work pretty well. Eggs contain something in it called “cysteine” which actually helps break down the acetaldehyde (toxins from alcohol) in the liver which can help extremely in the how to avoid a hangover game. It’s essentially a back up force to help rid of all the leftover toxins that your body hasn’t broken down which is one of the main causes of a hangover.

You may have heard it plenty of times before but by pulling off this ultimate breakfast you’re definitely going to feel like less of a dead body the next day. In this case study on how to avoid a hangover we reviewed something that will actually have major effects on replenishing the nutrients and taking out the toxins. Throw in some water in combination and you have yourself a recovery just in time to hit the liquor store and start drinking before lunch.


How to Avoid a Hangover Field Report – Fast Food

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Don’t do it. I could honestly stop the whole blog with that one statement I don’t even know where this came from even a little bit but I swear I saw it around one time so I figured I’d share my knowledge with everyone. It was a Saturday morning, hungover as per usual and thinking about an easy accessible “hangover cure” that I could get my hands on. As I’m thinking of what crazy thing I could try this time I realized I was hungry.. I swear somewhere I had read that a good greasy fast food meal would just absorb all the alcohol up in the stomach and the two bad’s would cancel each other out. I can assure you, this wasn’t the case.

I don’t know about you but even earlier today (this hangover adventure was a few days ago) I had a big mac and I swear to god I experienced a hangover just from the fast food.. Now, eating fast food definitely didn’t rid me of my hangover, in fact it gave me two. Have you ever experienced two hangovers at once? I didn’t think it was possible either but the immense pain I felt was pretty extreme. All I could picture in my mind on the way home was to get the hell in my bed and lay and focus on staying alive and breathing. Thank god it only lasted an hour or two and I distracted myself with some good old fashion two and a half men but it was not pleasant to say the least.

Little side story here, it may have been one of the worst hangovers of my life after eating it and feeling like my body was shutting down but there was one worse time. A few years ago hungover I felt like I was in a desert I was so dehydrated, it was a super hot day and I had a fantastic idea, let’s go get a Slurpee. Me and a few friends figured this was the greatest idea ever thought of by another human being and we went on our journey. Filling up those clear cups with delicious icy goodness, this was going to be amazing. It was the greatest tasting thing ever and we all finished in about 10 minutes, we didn’t know what we were getting ourselves in to. 20 minutes after this Slurpee I literally had a feeling of pretty much how a fever works, instant to your body you just feel super sick. I shook in my bed for a good 3 hours just trying to get through (this is now I know due to the fact alcohol already completely screws with your blood sugar and when you put in a full Slurpee full of sugar all at once it’s quite the sugar shock and it completely dominates your boday). I can’t even explain the feeling, I literally tried to tell everyone I knew about the story just so they didn’t go through what I did.

Moral of the post, fast food does not work during a hangover.. Though I will mention that during drinking it will give something to soak up and absorb some of the alcohol in your stomach for more of a balance in the morning, but after don’t do it. Stick to nutritious foods. Even more so than not eat fast food… Don’t drink a Slurpee, if you take one thing from this entire blog it’s that.. Just don’t do it, hurts so bad… Run.