How to Avoid a Hangover

Tips, Advice & Experience on How To Avoid Hangovers


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How to avoid a hangover was started because I wanted to put a place on the web to share not only my personal knowledge when dealing with hangovers but as well all the knowledge amongst the web in one central place. Hangovers are one of the downfalls of drinking and the most difficult part about finding a cure is that everyone experiences different symptoms. Here I wanted to explore each of the symptoms differently and share knowledge on how to avoid each.

I’m a lover of drinking but get the absolute worst hangovers, of course this wasn’t going to stop me from drinking but it sure wasn’t pleasant. I really couldn’t do anything the day after drinking, it was spent dead on my couch in the living room struggling to stay alive. Finally I had enough and decided it was time to find a better way around these hangovers. I researched for hours and hours on what works and what doesn’t so I decided to go out and test each of the methods.

These blogs will be updated over time on all the methods out there right now and I’ll be letting you know what works and what exactly it worked for. I get the absolute ultimate hangovers and I know there are others out there who suffer the same, I figured there’s no harm in trying so I’ll be testing and share every method out there on how to avoid a hangover.

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